Butterfly Sparks Designs

Monday, September 21, 2009


I had a revelation this weekend at our church's Encounter service. It was that God wants me to Fly...I have been struggling with everything that has happening around me, I have been focusing on the question's I have that I do not understand. God spoke to me and told me to let them go, let the questions go, HE is the answer and that is all I need to know. These questions I have, the storms going on around me are weighing me down. He wants me to surrender them so I can fly. Fly over the storm, be unmoved by them, remain centered in HIM regardless of what is going on around me or regardless of what I don't understand. I have made the decision to let go, so I can fly!! I already feel diferent! I hope that doesn't sound weird to you but makes sense! : )

Friday, September 18, 2009

Today's Word with Joel Osteen

I LOVE Joel Osteen!!! Everyone has an "opinion" about Pastor Joel, mine is that it seem's to me that the hand of GOD is on his ministry. I think his calling and his message is to share hope,love and happiness. I subscribe to his daily word, I get it via email. Everyday is good, and lately they have all been about praising God. I love it! Today's is SO good for me...I needed it, so I have to share it!

Get into Position

"Sing, O childless woman, you who have never given birth…"(Isaiah 54:1, NLT)

TODAY'S WORD from Joel and Victoria
Sometimes, when we don't see our dreams and desires coming to pass, we can feel empty and barren like a woman who is unable to have children. But look at what this verse is saying: if you've got unborn promises, don't just sit around in defeat. Don't just give up and say, "Too bad for me." No, God says when you're barren, the first thing you need to do is sing a song of praise. You might think, "Well, Joel, I'm kind of depressed today. I'll sing after I have my 'baby.'" No, this passage wasn't written to people who were holding their baby and had seen their dreams come to pass. It was written to empty-armed people; people who didn't have what they were believing for. Do you know why? When you're giving God praise, do you know what you are doing? You are activating your faith and putting yourself into position to give birth to that promise. You are setting yourself up for God to move on your behalf.
Why don't you get into position today by singing a song of praise? All throughout the day, thank Him for what He is doing in your life and watch those dreams and desires come to pass.

Friday, September 11, 2009


Everything in my life right now is all about having Faith. I love the line in the song Faithful God that says "I can't see past this storm but I am counting on a Faithful God" and also "Your faith fullness, it will endure" I have been really discouraged lately...it's hard when you pray, pray, pray the same prayer for months or even years and you don't see it being answered. I have been praying for almost 9 months now that God would bring Jared a job and it hasn't happened yet, I have been praying for a family member for YEARS to be set free and it hasn't happened yet. I am discouraged. I have faith in God, I KNOW he is faithful, I know there will be things that don't make sense sometimes and we don't get the results that we want when we want them. But I also know he is working behind the scenes in these area's. I know I serve a Faithful God. Last night I was talking with a friend and sharing with her that I felt very discouraged and just exhausted. She prayed a very long prayer right there on the spot, it was powerful, and it was everything that was in my heart but was to tired to pray right now. I later thought, this is what God wants for us...when we can't stand in Faith, we need to surround ourselves with people that will stand in the gap for us. Do you have a friend that will pray immediately, boldly, over you? OR Will you be that friend to someone else? It's something to think about!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

"If God is for us, who can ever be against us?"

It may seem like your facing some impossible challenges, but NOTHING is to difficult for God. Focus on Him instead of those challenges and have the faith that he is in control. He knows the end from the beginning and he has plans to keep you and not to harm you, plans of hope and a future.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Experiencing God's Overwhelming Love

We talked about this some at Lifegroup today and I have been thinking about it all day. I realized that I have reached a new and exciting level with God over the last few weeks and I want to share what I am feeling and thinking with you. For so long, I have been so focused on growing and learning, and more growing, and yet more learning. I am always consumed with what I NEED to learn and what I NEED to be better at and how I can grow spiritually. Over the last few weeks, I have felt overwhelming grace and love from God. Basically, I feel like I have entered this new level with God where he is telling me, Yes of course, I want you to keep growing and learning, but I want to overwhelm you NOW, where you are NOW with my grace, love, and presence. I think that I have thought, I have to be BETTER to have this, I had to know MORE to experience his love on this level, but God is saying to me, no,quit focusing so much on how shortcoming you are, and instead just receive what I have for you. The moments that I spend worshipping, praying, and seeking Him are SO different lately. Almost as though I just rest in Him. I don't have to work as hard,I don't have to constantly focus on the growing, even though it's important, I don't have to be "there" to be OVERWHELMED by Him. It's amazing. I hope that make sense. So I guess what I want to tell any of you, is quit beating yourself up about how far you need to go, and instead think of how far you have come. He wants to pour his love out to you on a new level that you have never experienced before and all you have to do to receive it. Seek Him, and have the faith that it can happen. Just pray a prayer and ask him to overwhelm you with His love. I pray you feel his love and grace on a whole new level!